Saturday, April 2, 2011

Controversial Issues and Argumentation

NY Times Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas D. Kristof asks the questions "Is It Better to Save No One?" in regards to the United States' military intervention.  Take a look at the article and post your thoughts.
There is also a Facebook page where you can comment or take a look at the larger community response, but you'll need a Facebook account, so of course that's optional.  We take a minute in class to look at some comments as well.


  1. This is a controversial topic that I have been in between about because I do appreciate the US goverment trying to save lives and promote freedom (I believe I would do the same), but at the same time I can't help but question the motives behind the help; like oil. I mostly support military interventian to save lives because if humans don't help one another then who else do we have? I mean if the thirteen colonies didn't get help from other countries then there probably wouldn't have been a US. And I do understand that the US is having internal struggles and most people would say that charity begins at home but at the same time, I can't really be angry at the decision to get involved in Libya.

  2. This controversial topic in paticular is a very good one. I support the government trying to save the lives of the people. I also support that they are trying to promote freedom. I am kind of dissatisfied about getting involved in Libya but if it is for a good cause and it can save the people then sometimes you just have to go along with it. I also support the military intervention to save the people but how are we going to do that if we can not help or save our selfs.

  3. I think the U.S. Military did an explicit job in that certain situation. We are not completely wrapped up in this war as the French are. We as a country always try to stay neutral when helping someone else, unless we are directly brought into the war, which we weren't. We did intervined but It saves more time and lives, and we took control of the situation.

  4. ATT Filza, I agree with the fact that since the U.S. intervined we saved many lives in the process. The Thirteen colonies needed help from other countries to create the United States.

  5. This was a very good article I agree with intervening only because everyone has the right to be free and safe.We cant save everyone but some is better then none.I do have to say people really give Obama a hard time when all he is trying to do is make a change and help.@ Filiz i agree when you said we you have to question the motives behind the help, like oil.
