Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Class

This is going to be a pretty informal, open-ended blog discussion.  I simply want you to post a reflection on our first class, and anything else you feel is relevant.  You can post a question as well, but give the basis or thought process that led you to the question.  Happy posting.


  1. This is Brandon Smith. At first the class felt dead. However, it started to pick up as class continued. I felt very comfortble asking you questions about the story we was reading. what i wonder is if those storys were true? Was that how it really was for a person?

  2. My name is Jessica Charles.The class was better than i expected it.I enjoyed the stories,specially the Corn-pope opinion.Personally, i was dreading writing anything in here but its actually not that bad.

  3. Hello, my name is Filiz A. I enjoyed the first lesson more than I thought I would; first lessons tend to be boring. I look forward to the future stories we will read and the discussions that will hopefully come with it.

  4. @Brandon- Could you tell us how you came to those questions?
    General note- I appreciate how you felt the class went, but I would like to see more commentary on the specific content of the class (thoughts, ideas, questions) about the discussion and readings or course outline.

  5. This is Mike Szollosi. I have never been interested in composition but since the first class i'm looking forward to it this semester.

  6. My name is Diana Velandia. At first i wasn't all too excited about the class. Am not a big fan of reading or writing. But first class was better than I expected, I enjoyed being able to read and work as a class to express our ideas about the stories we read; And so am looking forward to the next classes.

  7. My name is Justin Vogelsang. I enjoyed our first day of english 101. I liked the short stores we read and how we went over them in class and not individually. I think the work we do in class togther is better than doing it by urself. I am looking forward to this semester.

  8. I have a question. Why is everyone starting off with "my name is ..." when their name is located at the top of their comment? But about the first class I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed giving and listening to everyones comments, seeing where there mind is (there perspective). I especially enjoyed the introduction method normally i don't know what to say about myself so me not having to choose was helpful.

  9. I enjoyed reading as a class because everyone has different opinions and it is interesting to hear them from other people. I also like the idea of working on the essays in class.

  10. I really enjoyed the way the first class was run. It was very laid back and everyone had a chance to express their thoughts and debate with each other. It was also very interesting to see how some of the forms of writing were so strange to us, but were completely acceptable during the author's time. I hope we can continue to have classes like the first because i do much better in a class i enjoy attending.

  11. I really enjoyed the first class. At first I was kind of unsure about how I would feel about the class as I am not s good at comprehending stories. The first short story we read really threw me and it made me uncomfortable to answer any questions regarding that story. As we went on and read the other stories my uncomfortable feeling quickly turned into a positive feeling. I easily understood the last 2 stories we read and from there I enjoyed the rest of class and was looking forward to next weeks class.

  12. This is Ken Uehara, I thought the class was pretty quiet but i enjoyed the time spent. Im looking foward to this semester

  13. i liked the way "Girl" was written. For me, the most attention drawing line was "this is how you make a good medicine for a cold; this is how you make a good medicine to throw away a child before it becomes a child;.."
    im pretty optimistic about this class, but i cant stand research papers.

  14. Finally!!! Hey you guys!!!! My name is Stanley and i think this class will be one of the classes that i will retain some information and actually learn. L.O.L no seriously though I'm intrigued by some of the materials we go over and look forward to the difference of opinions and clashing of the minds.... but this blog setup instruction was a bit difficult to complete but now I got it.
    everyone have a great weekend....

  15. This is Jenifer Kim. Since today's class was my first class, I'll comment on that.
    I liked how the class was run. I liked that fact that we read a piece of writng, were given time to think and write down our thoughts, and then share with the class. This gave us the chance to hear what other people thought and even helped us see things from a different point of view.
    I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester!
