Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Post 5

"There Will Come Soft Rains"

Please post your response to one of the questions on page 226, and respond to another student.


  1. Questions on rhetorical strategy and style
    #2 - The Poem works as the centerpiece of the story because it tells the reader why the people who live in the house are not there. That no one will know of the war or care once its done; which is true because after the war no one was left therefore no one could care. Humanity was gone like the poem says and the house was left alone with nothing else. It was teh turning point because there was nothing left at the end of the story, not even the house

    1. It's very true if there's no one home, no one's going to care. The only way people would care is if they new about it and lived it.

  2. Questions on Meaning #2
    People who live in what would be considered a normal household would plan out their days and do housework on weekends. The story is saying we depend too much on technology to live our lives. It's quite possible that in the future we will be so reliant on technology we won't be able to take care of ourselves as we should be.

  3. i think the kind of people that lived in the house were rich people that depended on technology to do everything for them but they the house kept going on and maintaining its self. the story is saying that we are becoming to dependent on technology and at the end we wont be able to do anything for ourselfs

    1. I agree with you now a daysw people rely on technology and in the end technology will be the distruction of human kind because of how lazy we haev become.

    2. I agree with you as well, we have relied on technology even more than we should. We now in times where we have machines to do it for us. In a weird way it kind of reminds me of this song...

  4. Questions on Rhetorical Strategy and Style
    #1- The image of the dog dying seems to end all human hope because they know that dogs are very smart and instinctive and if the dog died, they knew that they would be probably be facing the situation soon.

  5. Questions on Rhetorical Strategy and Style #3

    At the end of the story the house begins to self-distruct just as the human race has done. The stages of it were that the tree fell through the kitchen and set the cleaning supplies on fire. The house water pumps had shot water out but the cleaning supplies spread too fast over the linoleum floor. The house tried to fight the fire til it could not stand a chance against it; just as the human race fought the war but couldnt beat it. Society was also taken out by a fire just the way the house was. Only one wall was left standing in between all of the rubble.

    1. True, human society can be compared to the house. I think that the only wall that remained standing signifies that even after destruction of the house and human race, we are capable of starting over, and endure everything.

  6. Questions on meaning #2 the poem works as the centerpiece of the story because it pretty much is a summary of what has happened and what will happen. It was the turning point of the story because at the end, the was nothing left, no people, no house, nothing was left behind.

  7. Questions on Meaning
    2. I believe because of how strong and advance tehnology is people us more often then usual. We rely so much on our new tehnology that we also blame it if something goes wrong. For instance, if we are running late we blame the phone's alarm clock didn't go off. They depended on their home for almost everything that occured in their life. It's not laziness but maybe just to dependable on the house because thats the way technology has been brought up. Everything we do deals with technology such as, communication, relationships, jobs, shopping, business, homework, its a part of our everyday life. But the story is saying if we rely on it too much it may overtake our lives. For the most part I think we should take care of ourselves and readapt to how it was when we didnt rely on technology. This day in age we've become spoiled with the new use of technology.

  8. question on rhetorical strategy and style #2:
    the poem works as the centerpiece of the story because it analysis that the persons that live in the house are not there anymore and that it is pretty much abounded when everyone left. humanity was gone like the poem summarizes the house was left alone and empty. the turning point works for both the house and humanity because at the end nothing was left not even the house because it was destructed.

  9. Questions on Meaning
    2) There are no people living in the house besides robot mice that clean it. The story tries to show us that we depend heavily on technology, an example of this is that a house was created to take care of and clean itself, make breakfast, and even read poems to the occupant of the home.Basicly people rely on technology to the point that if it was taken away from us we could not survive without it becaues we its apart of our way of life.

    1. I agree with Lorin because the house was designed to meet every need of the people who lived inside from the poems being read to the mother to the nursey that interacted with the baby. We rely so much on this technology that without it we could not survive.

  10. The significance of the house that would make it passed all distructions simply shows us that technology will always prevalle above all forms of human life because it simply cannot be destroyed. The dog dieing tells us that human need esential things to survive and without those essentials they will die because they arent strong enough or imperative enough to make it like a machine which requiers little to no maitnece at all.

  11. Question #2
    The Poem was based on people can’t live without technology. Technology today will soon get to the point of doing mostly everything for us that we already do today by ourselves. I believe people will become lazier then some are already but we are able to take care of ourselves but technology is becoming more and greater in our everyday lives. For example " Cell Phones " the people that "lived" in that was the robots because it seem like they was the only one that was doing something in that as the human being would do now like cook , clean and etc. The robots were acting like humans and the humans were acting like robots I guess??

  12. Questions on meaning #2

    It appears that the family that has lived in this house may have had some sort of busy schedule. Like a regular typical working family but with a ten-fold added convenience. It shows also that this family didn't have to worry about any chores due to the advancements in technology. Due to the advancements in technology it may make a person very dependable. I do not believe that many people in the future would be able to live properly due to relying heavily on advanced technology.

  13. question on meaning,#2 .
    i think the people that leave in the house in 2026 did not do much becuase they had so much technology to the point the house knew when and how to do everything. also time was very important to them ,they had a schedule for everything when to eat, when to go to work and when to go to sleep. the story is saying that we rely in technology to much that we expect it to do everything for us,with us not moving a muscle. i think that we do can leave with out technology but if we get to point we dont do nothing and it does eveything for us the world would go nuts if everything were not to work.

  14. Pg.226 question #2...
    The people that lived in the house seemed to have been lazy and forgetful and relied on technology to take care of everything for them. The story is basically saying we have a tendency to rely on technology for so much and towards the future that is going to progress until we eventually rely on technology for everything.We are able to take care of ourselves without the technology that is mentioned in the story absolutely, but as time goes on and we become more and more reliant on technology taking care of ourselves without it will seem impossible.
    Jillian Bartlett

  15. Question on meaning #2

    We are able to care for ourselves but our genaration is to stuck on the modern world. now a days there are people that cant live with out their phones. they have to stay connected with the whole blog and twitter and facebook scene when really living live is going out and doing things physically and not always the new technology is the best way.

  16. i agree with nunez we are able to care for ourselves .but generation after generation keeps reying in technology more and more. one day we wont even be able to turn on a stove and cook becuase we rely in technology to much.
